Canadian Citizenship
The Canadian Citizenship Certificate is a document that proves that you are a citizen of Canada. It is also proof of your immigration status in Canada. This gives you the ability to work, live, and study in Canada and move around in the country as you like!
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Canadian Citizenship

A person cannot be a citizen of Canada by living in Canada for long period of time. One can apply for a Canadian Citizenship if have already acquired Permanent Residence status. A person can be a Canadian citizen if born in Canada, or born outside Canada to a legal or biological parent who is a Canadian Citizen the first generation rule applies or having Canadian citizenship by naturalization.

The Canadian citizen enjoys the right to enter and remain in Canada, can have multiple citizenships, have the right to vote in provincial and federal elections, learn about the responsibilities of Canadian citizenship by obeying the law, taking responsibility for oneself, serving on a jury and many more.

To apply for Canadian citizenship the person must :

To apply for  Canadian citizenship for the minor must :

Proof that minor child is the child of citizen with the documents like birth certificate showing name of parents, parents passport, confirmation of permanent residence etc.

Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC) vs. Citizenship Certificate

A PRC (Permanent Resident Card) is issued to new immigrants by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). It allows them to live, work or study anywhere in Canada. A PRC is valid for five years. After that, you will need to renew it. A Canadian Citizenship Certificate, on the other does not expire. It is proof of your status as a Canadian citizen. There is no need to renew it if the certificate was awarded after 1977.

It is important to note that a PRC or citizenship certificate is not the same as having Canadian nationality. If you plan to travel outside of Canada, you will need a valid passport. A PRC or citizenship certificate alone is not enough to leave and re-enter the country. However, the process becomes a lot easier and streamlined when you have a citizenship certificate.

If you are looking to get a Canadian Citizenship Certificate or are looking to immigrate to Canada based on other means, let us know! Mayur Immigration Consultancy Ltd. is a leading immigration consultancy with scores of experts under our belt. Give us a call today for assessment and to get started with your immigration process right away!